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Mobius Games

Mobius Games, later rebranded to simply Mobius, was the live service gaming portal of Digital Media Exchange, Inc. It distributed a number of games in the SEA region. It is best known for publishing MU Online and Gunbound in the Philippines.

Mobius Games started in 2004 and was one of the earliest live service gaming portals in the Philippines. It ceased operations in 2013. As one of the earliest live service distributors in the country, it helped players with no access to credit cards to buy subscription time for EVE Online.

Mobius Online was the payment gateway of Mobius Games. Its currency was named ePoints.


Mobius Games is responsible for bringing Gunbound, the first ever free-to-play online game in the country, as well as MU Online, the second MMORPG in the country to challenge the market dominance of Level Up!'s Ragnarok Online.

On October 4, 2005, Mobius Games was awarded the Philippine Marketing Excellence Award for Most Outstanding Online Game in the Philippines, an award determined based on the results of various surveys, focus group discussions, and market research jointly conducted by consumers and marketing professionals for the sole purpose of selecting the Best Marketing companies/brands.

On February 22, 2006, it received the National Product Quality Excellence Award (NPQEA) for Best Computer Online Game. The award was conferred at the Manila Pavillon Hotel by NPQEA chairman Dr. Aniceto Fontanilla.

In 2006, Mobius Games also began publishing the SEA server of Rakion: Chaos Force. It would continue to operate until 2009, when user accounts were migrated to the Rakion International Server.

On September 5, 2010, Mobius Games announced that it would be ceasing distribution of Softnyx titles Gunbound, Rakion, and Wolf Team.[1] These titles would eventually be handled directly by Softnyx Philippines Inc.

Digital Media Exchange ceased its operations in 2013 and closed down Mobius Games.

Related products and services

  • Mobius Live - A music distribution portal.
  • Mobius Kids! - A distribution portal for international live service games which targets a younger audience.
  • Reference

    1. Announcement. Circa September 2010. Mobius Games team. Mobius Games front page on September 2010. Retrieved on 2023-12-05.

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