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Mobius Online

Mobius Online was the online payment gateway portal of Digital Media Exchange Inc. and its gaming portal, Mobius Games. While its primary services are catered for online games including Facebook and other browser games, it also provides services for mobile load and prepaid internet. Some games that were available on the platform include World of WarCraft and EVE Online.

Mobius Online's currency is called ePoints with one point equivalent to ₱1.00. These were generally obtained using prepaid cards.

About Mobius Online

Mobius Online was established in 2005.[1] It is one of the earliest distribution platforms in the Philippines which allowed Filipino players to purchase credits for other live service games, which, at that time, was hard to obtain without the use of a credit or debit card.

The Mobius Online service was eventually integrated into Mobius' own website instead of operating as a separate portal.

Mobius Games' competitor at the time, Level Up!, would eventually establish a similar service called Level Up! Global Games. Similar services today include MOL and Cherry Credits.


  1. dme beats Level-Up to the punch with Mobius Online. October 28, 2005. Contributor. Retrieved on 2025-01-28.

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