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Level Up KL SEA Game Awards 2017

The Level Up KL SEA Game Awards 2017 was a Southeast Asian game development competition held by Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC)’s Level Up KL.

Electronic Sports Gaming Summit 2016

Electronic Sports Gaming Summit 2016 , or ESGS 2016 , was a three-day gaming convention held on October 28 to 30, 2016 at the SMX Convention Center in SM Mall of Asia, City of Pasay, Philippines. The event was organized by Gariath Concepts and was co-presented by PLDT Home Fibr. It is the third ESGS event held in the series.

War Inc.

War Inc. was a free-to-play live-service shooter published by Massive Gaming in the Philippines from 2012 until 2013.

Pinas Lang Malakas

Pinas Lang Malakas is a 2022 Filipino song performed by Filipino music artists KZ Tandingan and Nik Makino. It is the Philippine theme song for the Mobile Legends M4 World Championship.

Yangyang Mobile

Yangyang Mobile is an independent game development studio in the Philippines. It is best known for creating story-driven games for Microsoft Windows, iOS, and Android. The studio is also known for using the Kickstarter crowdfunding platform to finance its first few games.

OZ World: 3D Chat Game

OZ World: 3D Chat Game was a live service social MMORPG that was developed by South Korean developer Oz Intermedia, and was published in the Philippines by Level Up! Inc. on its Level Up! portal. The game is no longer in service in the Philippines.

Darkest Nightmare: Discord of the Dying

Darkest Nightmare: Discord of the Dying is a 2018 free-to-play casual horror game developed by Popsicle Games for the iOS and Android. The game uses a monochromatic presentation, similar to Popsicle Games' previous horror game Darkest Light. The game is no longer available on official platforms.

Mineski-Events Team's eBay auction of EternaLEnVy's chair

In September 2017, the Mineski-Events Team auctioned a gaming chair used by Canadian Dota 2 player Jacky "EternaLEnVy" Mao during The Manila Masters 2017. The proceeds of the auction were donated towards relief efforts of the victims the Battle of Marawi.

Pro-Gaming League

The Pro-Gaming League , or PGL , was a canceled 2010 esports league by X-Play Online Games that was planned to promote esports in the Philippines. It was planned to allow internet cafés around the country to establish teams that would compete in nationwide tournaments.

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