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Kuju Manila

Kuju Manila was a Philippine-based game development studio and was the local arm of the British developer Kuju Entertainment Ltd.

The company was established by acquiring Matahari Studios Philippines in the fourth quarter of 2008.[1] However, in February 2010, Kuju announced that it would be shutting down Kuju Manila within three months of 2010 due to weak demand in the video game market in the region.[2][3]

SEC Philippines information

Kuju Manila, Inc. was registered on May 8, 2006, under the SEC number CS200606612.

Games Developed


  1. Kuju Manila launch. October 21, 2008. GamesIndustry International. Retrieved on 2023-11-03.
  2. Kuju to close Manila studio. February 3, 2010. MCV Staff. MCV Develop. Retrieved on 2023-11-03.
  3. Kuju Manila To Close As Matahari Also Shutters Indonesian Arm. February 4, 2010. Leigh Alexander. Game Developer. Retrieved on 2023-11-03.

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