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World Cyber Games 2002

World Cyber Games 2002 is the second mainline World Cyber Games event. The Grand Final was held at the Expo park in Daejeon, Korea on October 28 until November 3, 2002.

This annual event was preceded by World Cyber Games 2001 and was followed up by World Cyber Games 2003.

Team Philippines


Team "cs_PHI_ph" was represented by the following:

  • Erwin Rada GO
  • Frederick John Suerte
  • Norman Espiritu
  • Gary Guevarras
  • Harjinder Sangha

Team Philippines was placed in Group C of the best-of-one group stages. They lost against Romanian team "The Elder Gods" (1-13) and Malaysian team "FMJ" (3-13).[note 1]

StarCraft: Brood War

  • Gerald Salvador

Age of Empires II: The Conquerers

  • Gary Jay Maramag


  1. The old CounterStrike tournament format used MR12/race to 13 rounds.

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