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G-Star 2018

G-Star 2018 is a video game trade exhibition held from November 13 until 18, 2018, in Busan, South Korea. It is part of the annual G-Star event by the Korea Association of Game Industry and Busan IT Promotion Agency. Ten Philippine companies participated in the event, and two game entries from Philippine game developers won awards.


Philippine participants

Ten Philippine companies participated in the event: Audacity Studio, Indigo Entertainment, Synergy 88, Gumi Games, Komikasi, Monstronauts, Ranida Games, Redbana, Red Trident, and ThinkBit Solutions.[1]


Two entries from Philippine studios won awards:

  • 1st place on "The Big Indie Pitch": Brawl Quest by ThinkBit Solutions[2]
  • 2nd place on "PC Indie Pitch": Bayani Fighting Game by Ranida Games[3]


  1. PH game dev’t industry shows competitive edge at G-STAR South Korea. December 3, 2018. DTI press team. Republic of the Philippines Department of Trade and Industry website. Retrieved on 2024-06-12.
  2. Brawl Quest becomes the final Big Indie Pitch champion of 2018. November 23rd, 2018 at 10:37 AM. Sophia Aubrey Drake, Developer Evangelist & Big Indie Pitch Manager / Special Features Writer. Retrieved on 2024-06-12.
  3. Outworld Battlegrounds is the last game standing at The PC Indie Pitch at G-STAR 18. November 23rd, 2018 at 1:48 PM. Sophia Aubrey Drake, Developer Evangelist & Big Indie Pitch Manager / Special Features Writer. PC Games Insider. Retrieved on 2024-06-12.

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