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Square Enix Collective

Square Enix Collective is a program by Square Enix Ltd. that helps independent games get published. From 2016 until 2020, the program allowed companies to provide pitches that the public can publicly view and vote on.

A number of Filipino game developers have submitted games on the platform before it was revamped in August 2020.

List of Filipino-developed games

Below is a list of games made by Filipino game developers who participated in the Square Enix Collective before it was revamped in August 2020. None of these games were selected, however, their participation in the program boosted their exposure, which may have helped in their Kickstarter or Steam Greenlight campaigns.


  • "Y" column means the percentage of approved votes by the public. "N" means disapproval percentage.
  • The pitches and the votes for the games were publicly available until the platform was revamped in August 2020.
  • * Spellstrike, Mediocre Monster, and Belial: Art of the Devil are either canceled or vaporware games.

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