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Kickstarter is a global crowdfunding platform based in New York, United States. Some Filipino game developers have opted to use the platform for its funding.


Kickstarter is a crowdfunding platform where developers can pitch project ideas and set a funding goal, and the public can "pledge" funds for a project during a campaign period. It takes an all-or-nothing approach, which means that if the set funding goal is not met after the campaign period, the pledged money will not be released.

Funding goal

The total funding achieved is not equivalent to the funds that can be used by the developers to create their games. Kickstarter takes a flat 5% fee and an additional 3-5+% processing fee for each pledge. The goal is also not inclusive of taxes nor other miscellaneous expenses that the developers need to settle.

Successful campaigns

These are video games by Filipino developers that were successful with their Kickstarter campaigns.

Additional notes

  • Wild Season was part of OUYA's "Free the Games Fund" campaign, which may have helped in reaching its funding goal.
  • Mediocre Monster was featured in the Square Enix Collective indie program a year before the Kickstarter campaign.
  • Love Esquire met its funding goal in 2 days.
  • Grand Guilds ran 2 attempts in Kickstarter (its second successful attempt is listed here). The game was in the Square Enix Collective indie program. Funded in 2 days.

Canceled campaigns

The following video games had Kickstarter campaigns but were canceled midway through.

  • Nightfall: Escape

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