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Steam Greenlight

Steam Greenlight was a game-submission platform by Valve Corporation where developers can submit games for the Steam user community can vote on. Top-voted games were added to the Steam distribution platform on a monthly basis. It was retired in June 2017 and it was succeeded by Steam Direct.

A number of Filipino game developers have submitted games on the platform.


In the Steam Greenlight program, developers paid US$100 once which allowed them to submit an unlimited amount of games. In a special section of the Steam platform, users can vote to approve a submitted game or ignore it. There was no option to downvote a submission.

On holidays and special occasions (major Steam sales), Steam would encourage its users to participate in voting in Greenlight by offering free virtual trading cards for crafting limited-edition badges that is permanently tied to a Steam account.

Top-voted games are "greenlit", which allows them to be sold on the Steam platform. There were no expiration dates on submissions. Any game submitted, with sufficient quality presentation and pitch, would eventually be greenlit by the community with enough time.

When Greenlight was first launched, it was incredibly competitive to become greenlit. As years passed, it became much easier to be greenlit as the competition on Greenlight became weaker and Steam started to shift into a more open platform for developers and publishers.

List of Filipino-developed games

Below is a list of games made by Filipino game developers that participated in Steam Greenlight.


  • Grand Guilds and Belial: Art of the Devil were not greenlit as Valve retired the Greenlight program in June 2017, and both games were not popular enough to make the last batch of greenlit games.

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