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Mediocre Monster

Mediocre Monster is a vaporware single-player RPG that was being developed by Philippine game developer Opal Squad. After successfully being crowdfunded in Kickstarter in 2016 with an estimated release date of 2017, the game was delayed multiple times and the developer eventually stopped communicating with its backers.



Before the game was crowdfunded, the game participated in the Square Enix Collective in 2015.[1] Kotaku wrote a short piece advertising the game,[2] which boosted its popularity.

Kickstarter crowdfunding

Opal Squad ran a successful Kickstarter campaign from February 23 until March 24, 2016. The campaign managed to raise $58,680 (₱2,724,635.63)[note 1] against an asking goal of $50,000. The game originally had a release date of 2017, but the game was delayed multiple times.

Backers ghosted

The last Kickstarter update from the developers was dated on March 8, 2020. Both the game's and the developer's websites have since been taken down.


  1. Based on March 24, 2016 exchange rate at $1 = ₱46.4321


  1. Mediocre Monster - Now on Collective. Monday, August 10, 2015 at 20:08. Square Enix Team. Square Enix website. Retrieved on 2023-03-12.
  2. RPG Lets You Fight Heroes As A Random Monster. August 18, 2015. Jason Schreier. Kotaku. Retrieved on 2023-03-12.

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