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Level Up! Global Games

Level Up! Global Games, or LU/GG, was a payment gateway portal and distribution arm of Level Up!. It allowed Level Up! prepaid cards and ePINs to be used to purchase credits for partnered games with international servers.


Level Up! Global Games was established to market and provide a payment gateway for international live service games that are not published by Level Up!. The brand marketed dozens of online games from various publishers and developers, including from IAHGames and CyberStep Philippines Inc.

It was launched initially with four titles: Silkroad Online, Deco Online, and Dark Eden from publisher Joymax Interactive, and Neo Steam from publisher Atlus Online. Silkroad Online is the only game that was being actively distributed and marketed by Level Up! before the formation of LU/GG as the license was inherited from netGames.

On March 22, 2010, Level Up! partnered with GameKiss to distribute Valkyrie Sky and the international version of FreeStyle Street Basketball.

Other games in Global Games include Neo Steam: The Shattered Continent, published by Atlus Online.

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