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Ragnarok World Championship 2004

The Ragnarok World Championship 2004, or simply RWC 2004, was an international tournament for the MMORPG Ragnarok Online that was held from July 17 to July 18, 2004 at the Pacific Hall in COEX, Samsung-Dong, Kangnam-Gu, Seoul, South Korea. The Philippines participated in the event with the help of the game's local publisher, Level Up!.

It is the first Ragnarok World Championship event in the series. It was followed by RWC 2007.


Tournament Rules

Each team is composed of nine individual characters of all then-available jobs (Knight, Hunter, Wizard, Priest, Blacksmith, Assassin). Teams can pick the same job multiple times without limits, with the exception of Priest and Wizard, which are limited to two per team.

Character levels are limited to the 90 base level (Priest/Wizard/Hunter 85) and 50 job level. Each game match lasts ten minutes and if a game ends in a draw, a tiebreaker match will be held.


162 players from 9 regions composed of 12 countries had participated in the event. Each region is represented by two guilds.

  • Philippines
  • South Korea
  • Japan
  • Thailand
  • China
  • United States
  • Indonesia
  • Singapore-Malaysia
  • Taiwan-Hong Kong

Team Philippines

Team Philippines was represented by members of the guilds Rebirth and Unholy, the respective champion and runner-up of the Ragnarok Philippine Championship 2004 nationwide tournament.


On the first day, Team Philippines Rebirth lost to Team Indonesia One BatZ. On the second day, Team Philippines Unholy lost to Team Singapore-Malaysia Tengtitle.

The following were the results of the tournament.[1]


  1. Ragnarok World Championship 2004. July 30, 2004. GameDaily Staff |More. GameDaily. Retrieved on 2023-10-10.

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