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Ragnarok World Championship 2004

Written by: GameDaily Staff |More
Publication: GameDaily
Date published: July 30, 2004

We're back from Korea with a recap of the winners from the Ragnarok World Championship 2004! How did the different countries fare?
Last month, over 65,000 fans waited in long lines for the first ever Ragnarok World Championship 2004. 162 players from 12 countries around the world descended on the Pacific Hall in COEX, Samsung-Dong, Kangnam-Gu, Seoul for a chance at $64,000 in prizes, with $10,000 going to the winning team. All participating teams were the top qualifiers from the Ragnarok Nationals held in June. The two representing American teams, Team XGMR and Denuo Convena, were the first- and second-place teams (respectively) in the US National Competitions held in June in Los Angeles.

Ragnarok Online is an anime-based MMORPG based on the work of Korean author Myung-Jin Lee. With more than 25 million players globally (780,000 concurrent users) from 130 countries, Ragnarok Online is widely regarded as the most popular MMO game in the world.

During the competition, two guild teams from each country play game matches. Each team was composed of nine individual characters of all occupations (Knight, Hunter, Wizard, Priest, Blacksmith, Assassin). Three characters could pick from all occupations limitlessly, except for the Priest and Wizard, which were limited to a maximum of two. Character levels were limited to the 90 base level (Priest/Wizard/Hunter 85) and 50 skill level. Each game match lasted ten minutes and if a game ended in a draw, there was an extra match of ten minutes.

The participating countries were: Korea, Taiwan-Hong Kong, Japan, Thailand, China, USA-Canada, Philippines, Indonesia and Singapore-Malaysia. The prizes were awarded as follows:

1st place award: Taiwan / UNFORESEEABLE - $10,000
2nd place award: Taiwan / THE GATES OF HELL $7,000
3rd place award: Malaysia / TENGTITLE $5,000
4th place award: Malaysia / KAOS $3,000
Award: China / Dragon Battle $1,500
Award: China / Yatezongtang $1,500
Award: US / Denuo Convena $1,500
Kafra award: Japan / Guardian-Chevalier $1,500
Friendship award: Thailand / ZMR $1,500
Participation award: Korea / Angel KRW500,000
Participation award: Indonesia / oNe batZ KRW KRW500,000
Participation award: Philippine / Rebirth KRW KRW500,000

We're going to have a lot more information on this hot MMO in the coming weeks, including an exciting behind-the-scenes feature of how the USA-Canada team fared during the competition!

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