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Ragnarok Philippine Championship 2004

The Ragnarok Philippine Championship 2004 (RPC 2004), also known as the Ragnarok World Championship Philippine Finals 2004, was a nationwide tournament for the live service MMORPG Ragnarok Online. It was organized by its Philippine publisher Level Up!.

It is the first Ragnarok Philippine Championship event held in the country. Both the champion and the runner-up of the tournament represented the country in the Ragnarok World Championship 2004. The finals were held on June 19 and 20, 2004 at the Folks Arts Theater in the City of Pasay, Philippines.


Qualifier rules

Any guild in the game could participate via the Agit Lord system, where guilds can earn points by participating in the game's castle siege system, War of Emperium. The top four guilds of each server participated in the initial qualifiers on June 5, 2004 for a chance to represent the server in the national finals.

In addition to the six server representatives, a single representative was chosen through the Wild Card voting system, which allows all players in the game to vote for any established guild.

Final eight

Note: Server name is in parenthesis

  • Rebirth (Chaos)
  • Unholy (Loki)
  • Armed n' Loaded (Odin)
  • Ninja (Iris)
  • Chaos Godz (Sarah)
  • Armageddon (Fenrir)
  • SteelWolves (Wild Card representative)

Rebirth was the champion and Unholy was the runner-up. Both guilds represented the Philippines in the Ragnarok World Championship 2004 tournament.[1]


  1. Pinoy gamers vie in Ragnarok int’l tourney. July 16, 2004. Philippine Star reporter. Retrieved on 2023-04-08.

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