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Ragnarok Philippine Championship 2005

The Ragnarok Philippine Championship 2005 was a nationwide tournament for the live service MMORPG Ragnarok Online. It was organized by its Philippine publisher, Level Up!. It is the second Ragnarok Philippine Championship (RPC) held in the country and is also the first RPC tournament to implement regional-based tournaments. The playoffs were held on June 25 and 26, 2005 at the World Trade Center in the City of Pasay, Philippines.

Qualifier rules

The final eight guilds were selected from two qualifier systems: Server sovereign and regional championship. Four server sovereigns and four regional champions were selected to represent the final eight.

There were eight servers that were qualified to participate: Chaos, Loki, Fenrir, Iris, Sarah, Odin, Lydia and Urdr. The test server Sakray was not included.

Server Sovereign

The server sovereign selection process was comprised of two systems: The Agit Lord system which used the War of Emperium point accumulation system, and the Wild Card voting system, which had been revamped from the previous year to allow the top two guilds of each server to participate.

The top 2 Agit Lords and the top 2 Wild Cards of each server competed in single four-way matches for the server eliminations. Only one guild could represent each server. Each finalist of the eight servers then competed in the inter-server finals to obtain one of the four spots of the final eight.

Regional Championships

Regional championships are traditional tournaments held by Level Up! throughout the Philippines. There were four regions: Luzon, Visayas, Mindanao and Greater Manila. The champions of each region made up half of the final eight. The regionals were held on April 2 and 3, 2005.

Final eight

These are the final eight guilds that competed in the playoffs:[1]


Hatred defeated The Executors in the semifinals and Rad Computers in the finals to win the championship. Hatred took home ₱1,000,000 as cash prize, trophies, and processors from Intel. Level Up! also donated ₱500,000 cash on their behalf to a school of their choice and ₱100,000 were given to their preferred internet café.[2]


  1. RPC 2005 Final Eight!. Circa 2005. Ragnarok Philippine Championship 2005 minisite author. Ragnarok Philippine Championship 2005 minisite. Retrieved on 2023-04-08.
  2. Team Hatred claims RPC 2005 championship!. Circa 2005. Ragnarok Philippine Championship 2005 minisite author. Ragnarok Philippine Championship 2005 minisite. Retrieved on 2023-04-08.

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