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RPC 2005 Final Eight!

Written by: Ragnarok Philippine Championship 2005 minisite author
Publication: Ragnarok Philippine Championship 2005 minisite
Date published: Circa 2005

The smoke has finally cleared! Although the sounds of guildsmen swords and spells are now mere echoes, the biggest battle still lies ahead!

Midgard now hails the final eight teams who will compete for the Ragnarok Philippine Championships 2005 National Finals. The Finals will be on June 25 to 26, 2005 at the World Trade Center, Roxas Blvd, Manila.

Competing for the grand prize of ONE MILLION PESOS, four teams from the Final Eight are composed of the Regional Champions representing Luzon, Visayas, Mindanao and Metro Manila. They are joined by the Server Sovereigns of Lydia, Sarah, Fenrir and Odin. These server champions outlasted their counterparts in the interserver finals held recently at Sakray for the Agit stage of RPC 2005.

1. Kissbone
(Visayas Regional Champion), Iris

2. Team XSite
(Mindanao Regional Champion), Odin

3. Rad Computers
(Luzon Regional Champion), Chaos

4. Team Hazards
(GMA Regional Champion), Sarah

5. Hatred
(Lydia Server Sovereign, Wildcard), Lydia

6. Team Punishment
(Sarah Server Sovereign, Wildcard), Sarah

7. Executors
(Fenrir Server Sovereign, Agit Lord). Fenrir

8. Renegades
(Odin Server Sovereign, Agit Lord), Odin

At the end of two days of intense combat, there can ONLY BE ONE!

Be there when it happens! Support your favorite teams and even win in-game items just by registering early and join the Heroes' Treasure, Guild Promo and Server Call-Out promos!

Tell your guildmates, tell your server-mates, tell your grandma! Bring the entire barkada!

Seeya at the World Trade Center!

RoK On!

(Note that pRO siege is cancelled on Saturday, June 25, 2005 in observance of the RPC 2005 National Finals

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