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Mediocre Monster - Now on Collective

Written by: Square Enix Team
Publication: Square Enix website
Date published: Monday, August 10, 2015 at 20:08

Most of us have played an RPG or two, but have you ever thought about playing one as the enemy?

There is no glory for you in Mediocre Monster, just doing a good day's work and being able to take defeat with style!

You play as Gob and work for "The Bestiary" - the worldwide leader in random monster outsourcing. Work your way up through the ranks from a low level tutorial goblin to a harder-hitting, well respected monster.

In Mediocre Monster, gameplay is split between working as a monster, upgrading the town and recruiting new monsters.

The battle system is based on classic RPGs, but this time you are taking the brunt of the damage. Faced with a handful of heroes, you must react to their actions and attacks in a number of different ways.

Gob will need to pull his best pain face, react angrily to taunts and leave loot when you are eventually defeated.

As you level up, you will face higher level heroes with higher level abilities and more complicated rules are introduced.

After a hard day's work taking a beating, you will be rewarded with gold. You can use this gold to upgrade your town with new buildings and features which in turn will attract new types of monsters to move in.

You will be able to decide which monsters to recruit and with each new monster that moves in, additional tasks will open up for Gob!

Mediocre Monster is a clever spin on a classic game genre. Bursting with humour and hand-drawn visuals, it's definitely worth a look.

Opal Squad want to hear your feedback on the project and if you would back the game via crowdfunding platforms. Be sure to vote and leave a comment via the project page on Collective!

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