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Level Up! The Album

Level Up! The Album is a 2007 collaborative Filipino music album based on the different live service games published by Level Up! at the time. It was released by Star Records and Level Up! on October 31, 2007.

Tracks from the album were made freely available to listen to in the Level Up! Music channel. Some of the tracks were later re-released as part of later albums of their respective music artists. As of November 1, 2023, almost all of the songs in the album are available on Spotify except for the original "Rivers Run Red" by Typecast.


The first 3 tracks of the album are based on the sci-fi MMORPG RF Online. Each track represents a race in the game.

Despite being comprised of multiple Filipino music artists, only the final track, Nescafé 3 in 1 Song by Parokya Ni Edgar, is performed in Filipino language. The rest are performed in English.

Track list


  1. A remake of this song under the same name was performed by Typecast on its 2011 album "How Your Influence Betrays You".
  2. Incorrectly labeled as "Swing of Life" by official publications online as of March 4, 2023.

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