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FreeStyle Street Basketball

FreeStyle Street Basketball is a multiplayer online casual basketball game developed by South Korean developer JC Entertainment (JCE) for Microsoft Windows. From 2006 until 2010, the game was published in the Philippines by Level Up! Inc. on its Level Up! portal. In 2010, Level Up! migrated its players to JCE's international servers under the GameKiss portal. Level Up! would continue to support payment options for the game in the Philippines under the Global Games brand.


FreeStyle was published in the Philippines on Level Up! from 2006 until 2010. The game went on closed beta in January 2006, with its "Pre-Season" games ending on January 26.[1] The game launched commercially on March 20, 2006.

On March 2, 2010, Level Up! announced it would be shutting down the Philippine servers, citing that "JCE, the developer of Freestyle, decided that it would be better to service the Philippines through their global servers."[note 1] Level Up! began migrating players to the international servers on March 22, 2010, in partnership with GameKiss, JCE's publishing portal. Level Up! would continue to support payment options for the game[2] under the Level Up! Global Games portal.


Two original songs for the game, "Neva Lose" and "Taking It All', were performed by Filipino hip-hop artist Dice & K9 (Mobbstarr). The songs were released on the 2007 music album Level Up! The Album.

Another original song, "Wawasakin", was performed by Filipino hip-hop artist D-Coy and was released in the 2008 music album Live! The Album: Music of the Level Up! Nation.


  1. From official news announcement. No archived copy available.


  1. Pre-Season Games Almost Over. January 26, 2006. FS Hattrick. FreeStyle Philippines news. Retrieved on 2024-02-18.
  2. GameKiss to launch Channeling Service with Level Up. March 22, 2010. Sky_Shaker. MMOHub. Retrieved on 2024-02-18.

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