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Level Up KL SEA Game Awards

The Level Up KL SEA Game Awards is a Southeast Asian game development competition held during Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation's (MDEC) annual Level Up KL event (no relation to the live service publisher Level Up!). The awards have been held annually since 2017.


The SEA Game Awards was started during the third year of the annual Level Up KL Malaysian game festival in 2017, as part of MDEC's initiative to promote cross-border alliances with other Southeast Asian countries.[1] The awards have been held annually since.

Games that are still under development can participate in the awards.

List of SEA Game Awards

The table below lists the annual SEA Game Awards and finalist games from the Philippines. 40-50 games per year are nominated to become finalists for various categories.


  1. There were no games made by Philippine game developers that made it into the 40 finalists of SEA Game Awards 2022.[2]


  1. Level Up KL 2017 wants to bump up SEA through cross-border links. November 14, 2017. Chong Jinn Xiung. Digital News Asia. Retrieved on 2025-01-11.
  2. SEA Game Awards 2022 Announces Finalists From Southeast Asia and Beyond. Sept. 21, 2022 at 6:02 PM. Dale Bashir. IGN Southeast Asia. Retrieved on 2025-01-12.

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