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Level Up! cLiq

Level Up! Cliq (stylized as cLiq) was a short-lived social networking site established under Level Up! in 2007.


Level Up! Cliq's service began on July 2007 with a public alpha version.[1] It was introduced as a gamer-centric competitor to Friendster (which was the most popular social networking site in the Philippines at that time).

In mid-2008, the publisher opted to to shift attention toward using existing social networking sites rather than relying on its own service. On a May 21, 2008 interview with Level Up!'s then-new media director Jose Carlo Medina, he stated that "Cliq only covered 10 percent of the gaming population. It had low usage, lacked in-game feature integration, lacked platform expertise, and lacked cross-platform integration from other services."[2]

The service was then removed on June 2008 with the launch of the new Level Up! website. Be There, a flash game portal with social functionalities, was introduced on the same month and was the successor to Cliq.


  1. LU CLIQ takes off with ALPHA version. July 17, 2007 at 8:22PM. Kiven. Level Up! website news. Retrieved on 2023-07-31.
  2. Level Up! shifts to social networking sites as ‘embassies’. May 21, 2008. Alex Villafania. Hackenslash. Retrieved on 2023-07-31.

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