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Be There

Be There is a defunct online casual flash game portal by Level Up!. It was released shortly after the demise of Level Up! Cliq on June 2008. Be There was later succeeded by LU! Arcade.


Be There contained a variety of single player and multiplayer flash games divided into four categories. It featured flash games like "Sudoku Arena", "Manor Mystery", "Twin Spin", "Animal Checkers" and "Snowy the Bear".[1]

As a replacement for Level Up! Cliq, it implemented social features like leaderboards, user profiles, and a friend system.

Theme song

The theme song of Be There is "Let's Play". It was performed by Filipino music band Juan Pablo Dream and was first released as the sixth track of the 2008 music album Live! The Album: Music of the Level Up! Nation. It was later re-released in the 2020 music album Juan Pablo Dream (same name as band) as its ninth track.


  1. MUNKY FOUND!. June 27th, 2008 at 7:24 pm. Level Up! news author. Level Up! website news. Retrieved on 2023-07-31.

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