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LU CLIQ takes off with ALPHA version

Written by: Kiven
Publication: Level Up! website news
Date published: July 17, 2007 at 8:22PM

We’re bringing social interaction to a new level!

Since an ordinary social networking service is not good enough for us gamers, we decided to give you a preview of LU Cliq with this ALPHA version.

In this ALPHA stage, we are still working on more and better gamer-friendly features. And we want you, our dear gamers, to be part of the development of a product designed especially for you. With all your inputs and feedback, you can truly call LU Cliq YOUR own social network service!

Send in your suggestions to [email protected] with the subject line "LU CLIQ Feedback" and you can also get a chance to win special in-game prizes for the game of your choice! Just remember to use the email address you used to register in LU Cliq.

What's more, if you start CLIQing now, we have something special for the early birds! One hundred (100) users who will sign up and complete their profile from today to 11:59PM of July 24, 2007 will get a chance to win in-game items for the game of their choice!

So CLIQ here and sign up now!

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