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iPlayAsia, trademarked as iPlay, was the Southeast Asian online community gaming portal of AsianMedia Development Group Inc. It was established in August 2007 to handle the then-upcoming Lineage II SEA server. It was succeeded by iAM Interactive in 2009.


In 2004, AsianMedia Development Group (AMDG) partnered with the South Korean developer NCSoft to market and distribute Guild Wars in the Philippines. In 2007, AMDG acquired the rights from NCSoft to publish the MMORPG Lineage II in the Philippines, Singapore, and Malaysia.[1] AMDG established iPlayAsia as its live service brand.

The iPlayAsia brand was discontinued in 2009 when it was replaced by AMDG's newly-established subsidiary iAM Interactive.

Games handled


  1. iAM Interactive launches two new online games. July 9, 2009. Business Mirror. ABS-CBN News. Retrieved on 2023-12-01.

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