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Dragonica is a 3D sidescrolling MMORPG for Microsoft Windows. It was briefly published under E-Games in the Philippines, in partnership with its SEA publisher IAH Games, from 2010 until 2011. Both the Philippine server and the SEA server by IAH Games are no longer in operation.

After the closure of Dragonica, another SEA version, under the Dragon Saga name, was published by NHN Singapore Corp. in 2013 and was marketed in the Philippines on Gameclub and Mobius. Another Philippine server was created by Gravity Interactive on its Warp Portal PH portal in 2018, but was later shut down.

The game's global version is known as Dragon Saga.


E-Games Philippine server (2010-2011)

Dragonica Philippines was launched on September 11, 2010. It was closed down on September 16, 2011, and players were encouraged to migrate to Dragonica SEA, which was being handled by IAH Games.[1]

The song Andito Na performed by the Filipino band Morningside was the Philippine server's official song.


  1. Goodbye Dragonica PH. September 13, 2011. Chad. Reimaru Files. Retrieved on 2023-09-17.

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