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Goodbye Dragonica PH

Written by: Chad
Publication: Reimaru Files
Date published: September 13, 2011

[Picture: Dragonica logo.]

[Picture: Dragonica graphic on SEA migration.]

Looks like another MMO of E-Games bites the dust, Dragonica PH just announced that they will be shutting down its servers on September 16, 2011. The game was officially launch last September 11, 2010; marking another short-lived MMO in the local market.

It is possible that there is a connection with the closure of the Korean server, click here

Players of the PH server can now migrate their accounts to the Dragonica SEA (which is handled by IAH Games) starting today up until September 21, 2011, they will be given a compensation package after the migration.

Other games from E-Games that added to the list to those that are already closed include Dreamville, Battle Position, O2Jam, Supreme Destiny, Zhu Xian Online, Runes of Magic and Operation 7.

For more details about the server closure, you may read their official announcement:

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