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Infocomm Asia Holdings Pte. Ltd.

Infocomm Asia Holdings Pte. Ltd., best known for its brand IAHGames, is a Singaporean live service game publisher and video game distributor in the SEA region.

From 2010 to 2011, the company was the exclusive distributor of Blizzard Entertainment products in the SEA region.


GigaMedia ownership

In late May 2010, Taiwanese company GigaMedia Ltd. announced that it had increased its equity ownership in Infocomm Asia Holdings Pte. Ltd. from 28 to 80 percent.[1]

Parnership with Blizzard Entertainment

On May 25, 2010, IAHGames entered a partnership with Blizzard Entertainment to distribute Blizzard titles to the SEA region which includes the then-upcoming StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty.[2] The news came after GigaMedia Ltd. announced its ownership of the company

On October 7, 2011, GigaMedia Ltd. announced that IAHGames and Blizzard Entertainment had mutually agreed to terminate their distribution partnership for the SEA region, as part of its strategic restructuring and new strategic growth plans.[3]


  1. GigaMedia's IAHGames and Blizzard Entertainment Partner to Bring StarCraft(R) II: Wings of Liberty(TM) to Southeast Asia. May 27, 2010 at 6:48 AM ET. GigaMedia Limited via PR Newswire. PR Newswire. Retrieved on 2023-12-09.
  2. The Nitty Gritty on IAHGames and Blizzard Deal. June 13, 2010. Andaleon. MMOSite. Retrieved on 2023-12-09.
  3. GigaMedia Updates Restructuring of IAHGames. October 8, 2011 at 8:00 AM (GMT+8). GigaMedia press release. Bloomberg. Retrieved on 2023-12-05.

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