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DC Universe Online

DC Universe Online was a superhero MMORPG developed by Sony Online Entertainment and was published in the SEA region by Asiasoft Corporation Co. Ltd. from 2013 until 2015, with PlayWeb Games Inc. locally marketing the game in the Philippines under Level Up!.


On July 9, 2013, Sony Online Entertainment LLC (SOE) announced that it has partnered with Aisasoft Corporation to publish DC Universe Online in the Philippines, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Indonesia, Myanmar, and Cambodia.[1]

Asiasoft shut down the server on July 31, 2015, stating that "the analysis of the current community situations have not been what [they] were expecting." Asiasoft and SOE agreed to migrate the users to the US/EU server.[2]


  1. SONY ONLINE ENTERTAINMENT AND ASIASOFT PARTNER TO BRING DC UNIVERSE ONLINE TO EIGHT ASIAN COUNTRIES. Circa July 2013. Sony Online Entertainment press team. Sony Online Entertainment press center. Retrieved on 2025-01-18.
  2. DC Malaysia Heroes Facebook page post on July 16, 2015. July 16, 2015 at 5:41 PM (PHT). DC Malaysia Heroes author. DC Malaysia Heroes Facebook page (official MY page of DC Universe SEA under Asiasoft). Retrieved on 2025-01-18.

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