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DC Malaysia Heroes Facebook page post on July 16, 2015

Written by: DC Malaysia Heroes author
Publication: DC Malaysia Heroes Facebook page (official MY page of DC Universe SEA under Asiasoft)
Date published: July 16, 2015 at 5:41 PM (PHT)

DCUO Closure Announcement
Dear players,
We would like to take this opportunity to inform you that DC Universe Online SEA will be stopping service on 31st July 2015.
Having launched just over a year ago, we have continually engaged our community whom has provided valuable feedback which we reviewed closely. The analysis of the current community situations have not been what we were expecting. Service is at the heart of Asiasoft, and it is for this reason that we derived at the closure decision.
We have reached an agreement with the Developer to migrate our customers from SEA to the US/EU server.
For more information on the matter, please visit
-DCUO Administrator

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