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Written by: Level Up! news author
Publication: Level Up! website news
Date published: June 27th, 2008 at 7:24 pm

Thank you for helping us spot our missing Munky! Though he will still roam around Level Up!’s Game sites and Forums, he has now found a new home in – BE THERE!

[Picture: Screenshot of Animal Checkers flash game.]

Be There is a portal-based casual game site currently hosting more than 30 fun, quick, and entertaining flash-based games to tickle the fancy of anyone needing a little break.

Even if you don’t have the time to devote hours of your day playing games, or simply lack the time to play online games, you’ll surely enjoy Be There.

Games like Sudoku Arena, Manor Mystery, Twin Spin, Animal Checkers and Snowy the Bear are only some of the fun games you can experience with Be There. You can also join in multiplayer games that will pit you against the skills and wit of actual players.

[Picture: Screenshot of Bounce Face flash game.]

Also, Level Up! and one of the largest platform developers in the world – Boonty – along with local game developers are already planning localization of certain games with a more Filipino flare. So expect very Pinoy-flavored games…soon!

Be There is more than just games and social networking; it can be your very own piece of cyberspace which you can customize to your liking. The pages can tell a lot about you — what you like or dislike, your hobbies and more! You can even create a mini version of yourself by using the Be There MiniMe creator: simply select from pre-generated avatars, and customize to fit "you".

Be There will surely be a colorful new addition to the Level Up! family! So if you think you could use a little break from all your hard work, then come on down and reward yourself with some enjoyable dose of Be There. Hope to see you all there!


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