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World Cyber Games 2013 Assault Fire tournament

The World Cyber Games 2013 Assault Fire tournament was a promotional, international tournament for the live service FPS Assault Fire. It was hosted on the World Cyber Games 2013 event that was held from November 28 to December 1, 2013, in Kunshan, Jiangsu, China.

At the time of the tournament, the game was published in the Philippines by Level Up!. Brazil's server, one of three other participants in the tournament, was also published under the Level Up! brand with its Brazilian publisher.

Team Philippines

Team Philippines was represented by TNC.Expendables, the winner of the Assault Fire 2013 Pro Tour. Team Philippines was sponsored by Level Up!, who had only begun publishing the game at the start of the year and planned its participation before the game's launch.[1]


  • Philippines (TNC.Expendables)
  • China (三年二班)
  • China (Energy Pacemaker)
  • Brazil (Game7 Esports)


Brazil's Game7 beat TNC.Expendables to reach the 2nd runner-up spot.[2] Since the tournament are exhibition matches, the placements did not increase medal tallies of China and Brazil in the World Cyber Games.

  • Champion: 三年二班
  • 1st runner-up: EP
  • 2nd runner-up: Game7


  1. LEVEL UP! INTRODUCES THE FUTURE OF FIREPOWER: ASSAULT FIRE!. Circa April. Mel Dominguez. Dominguez Marketing Communications. Retrieved on 2023-12-07.
  2. WCG Finals results: guess which continent totally dominated. December 3, 2013. C. Custer. Tech in Asia. Retrieved on 2023-12-07.

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