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WarRock World Championship 2007

WarRock World Championship 2007 is an international esports tournament for the live service FPS WarRock. It is part of the second Game&Game World Championships (GNGWC) and was held on December 1, 2007, at the COEX Convention Center in Seoul, Korea.

Team Philippines

Team Philippines was represented by Baguio Clan Uno, the champion of the 2007 Road To Korea nationwide tournament. Baguio Clan Uno was comprised of the following members:[1]

  • Walter Mamaril
  • Aquilino Soyosa Jr.
  • Melvin Bares Tumaob
  • John Paul Naputo
  • Dexter De Castro

Team Philippines placed fourth in the event.


  1. Baguio Clan Uno wins the WarRock nationwide tournament. November 15, 2007 at 12:53 AM. WarRock Philippines Multiply post author. WarRock Philippines Multiply page. Retrieved on 2023-09-22.

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