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UFO Catcher: Barnyard Abduction

UFO Catcher: Barnyard Abduction is a 2008 casual game developed by Filipino developers Carlos Nazareno (known online as Object404), Jojo Cunanan, and John Tiangco for the Flash Lite platform. The game won first place in Playyoo's Asia Pacific Region User Group Contest in 2008.

The three developers were members of "Team Fuchikoma", the winner of the 2008 Pinoy Indie Games Competition.[1]

The game was originally available in Playyoo, a now-defunct Flash gaming platform.

Official description

"Players take control of Zorg, a Zkrznian Elite Hunter. His objective is to abduct as many farmers and animals as possible before the time runs out.

Players can abduct and score points by hovering the UFO to the farmer or animal. Random crop dusters fly by and any collision with the planes will result in time penalty. Players can earn extra points and time by performing combos by abducting specific farmers or animals in a set sequence."



The game was developed by Carlos Nazareno. Jojo Cunanan handled the art, and John Tiangco handled concepts and playtesting.[1]


In 2008,, a newly established Flash gaming platform, hosted a Flash Lite Game Contest sponsored by Adobe.[2] UFO Catcher won first place in the regional User Groups category under Asia Pacific Region and was awarded US$5,000 worth of prizes.[1]


  1. Filipino Wins in Int'l Adobe Tilt. April 24, 2008. Relly Carpio. Hackenslash. Retrieved on 2024-05-23.
  2. Playyoo launches public beta site. January 25, 2008. Contributor. Retrieved on 2024-05-23.

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