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Pinoy Indie Games Competition

Pinoy Indie Games Competition was a Philippine amateur game development contest organized by the Game Developers Association of the Philippines in January 2008. It was held on the i-Hooked Internet Café branch in C.M. Recto, Manila City.

The competition challenged teams of up to three non-professional game developers to develop a game within a 48-hour period using equipment provided on the spot.


  • 1st place: One Intel Core 2 Quad PC for each team member
  • 2nd place: One Apple iPod Classic 80GB for each team member
  • 3rd place: ₱5,000 worth of gift cards for each team member


  • 1st place: "Team Fuchikoma" for creating "Teddy's Happy FuN TiEm Wonderland".
  • 2nd place: "Resty Aldana Team" of STI Southwoods for creating "Anomalous Maze Dimension". The team was composed of Ornel Lloyd P. Edaño, Reynaldo Banaag, and Gringo Maquinay.
  • 3rd place: "Team Crates, Kitchen Sinks and Duct Tapes" of Ateneo De Manila University for creating "Cores & Cords" The team was composed of James Choa, Wilhansen Li, and Charles Ngo.

Members of Team Fuchikoma also created the Flash Lite game UFO Catcher: Barnyard Abduction

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