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Playyoo launches public beta site

Written by: Contributor
Date published: January 25, 2008

$25,000 in cash prizes for Flash Lite developers

Playyoo, a social networking platform for creating and sharing mobile casual games, has announced the official launch of its public beta site.

Mobile users will have access to free Adobe Flash Lite games as well as game creator tools that allow anyone to publish their own creations.

"Since we first unveiled our preview site in October, Playyoo has generated strong interest within the Flash Lite and gaming communities," said CEO Chris Pelly.

"We've had visitors from 82 countries on 162 mobile networks on our mobile site, and we are seeing an enthusiastic and growing community of early adopters on our web site, including several leading Flash Lite game developers."

Approximately 200 games are currently available for free download, with more to be added each day.

"We are thrilled to see a social network and interactive worldwide community being created by Playyoo that focuses on mobile games and Adobe Flash Lite," said Bill Perry, Adobe's evangelist for mobile and devices.

"With the excitement around Flash Lite 3 and the support for Flash Player compatible video we expect the community to thrive even more with creative ideas and innovation."

To help spark development of high quality games, Playyoo is sponsoring the Playyoo Game Contest. Open to all Flash Lite developers, the contest offers USD 25,000 USD in cash prizes. Winning games will be determined by Playyoo members based on download statistics and community ratings at the end of the contest on February 28, 2008.

Playyoo is sponsoring an additional USD 15,000 in cash prizes for members of regional Flash Lite User Groups through the Flash Lite Game Contest.

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