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U Got Game X3M XPO

U Got Game X3M XPO (eXtreme eXpo), also known as UGGXX, was an amateur game development event organized by Matahari Studios Philippines. It was held on September 22, 2007 at the Market! Market! Activity Area in Fort Bonifacio, City of Taguig.

The event was preceded by U Got Game Pro in 2005.


U Got Game X3M XPO was organized by the Philippine branch of Matahari Studios and its sister company, Timezone Philippines.

Filipino politician Imee Marcos attended the event and expressed support for the local game development scene. In an interview, she stated "naniniwala tayo that there’s a lot of future here and may talent talaga yung mga Filipino kaya lang hindi na-didiscover (I believe that there's a lot of future [in the Philippines] and that Filipinos have talent but they are not being discovered). We have many who are willing to do more, but there's is no capital to actually develop the game so we want to support these game developers".[1]


  1. Imee Marcos supports UGG X3M XPO and Cosplay. October 8, 2007 at 10:46 AM. Erika Tapalla. Cosplay Philippines. Retrieved on 2023-11-04.

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