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Toon Cup 2010

Toon Cup 2010 was an online international tournament for the live service browser-based kids game Cartoon Network Toon Football. The tournament was held in June 2010, and Team WoWoWee from the Philippines took 1st runner-up.

Mobius Games was a distributor of Toon Football in the SEA region.


Team WoWoWee from the Philippines took 1st runner-up in the competition, only losing to India's Team Chargers in the finals. Team WoWoWee beat thousands of players and 14 other teams to reach the final round.[1]

  • Champions: Team Chargers
  • Runner-Up: Team WoWoWee

Team WoWoWee won a Wii Fit console and a Wii Fit Plus.


  1. Pinoys Runner-Up in Cartoon Network's First Toon Cup. June 30, 2010 at 3:46 AM. Jepoy. Retrieved on 2024-10-02.

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