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Pinoys Runner-Up in Cartoon Network's First Toon Cup

Written by: Jepoy
Date published: June 30, 2010 at 3:46 AM

The sound of cheering shook the Philippines this month, as Team WoWoWee made the nation proud by taking one of two finalist positions in Cartoon Network’s first-ever online Asia-Pacific Toon Football tournament, The Toon Cup.

In a showdown that had fans gripping their keyboards in anticipation, Team WoWoWee bagged second place after India’s Team Chargers, in a fantastic show of virtual fancy footwork. Team WoWoWee beat thousands of players and 14 other teams to reach the final round.

“Thousands of kids across the region embraced the chance to play like a World Cup pro in Toon Football, and we extend our congratulations to Team WoWoWee for playing with such enthusiasm and spirit during the first-ever Asia-Pacific Toon Cup title,” said Benjamin Grubbs, Regional Director, Interactive Media, Turner Entertainment Networks Asia Inc.

“Toon Football will be available year round for kids to start training for the next Toon Cup tournament in 2011. We’ll be enhancing the experience with some awesome new features so be on the look out for new mini tournaments, Cartoon Network characters and avatar items.”

Since the launch of Toon Football, which has been tremendously popular across the Asia-Pacific region, over 280,000 kids from the Philippines have participated. Pinoy kids created an average of 20 new avatars and formed 15 new teams every hour of the day – the highest rate among all countries. To date, over 2,000 matches have taken place with nearly 180,000 avatars and almost 130,000 teams created. Overall, a new avatar and team were built every minute across the Asia-Pacific region.

The Cartoon Network Toon Cup saw some of the best players from Australia, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, New Zealand, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, and Malaysia going head to head in a fantastic show of virtual fancy footwork during the finals.

Each member of the winning team will bring home a Nintendo Wii Sports Resort Bundle and an Amazon Kindle e-Book Reader, while the Philippines team brought home a Wii Fit console and a Wii Fit Plus.

To experience even more virtual football fun, please visit

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