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The Memory of Ragnarok

The Memory of Ragnarok is a limited-edition 2-disc soundtrack album of the game Ragnarok Online by Korean video game music composer SoundTeMP. A limited number of copies was distributed in the Philippines by Level Up!.

It features various background music for the game, with some tracks being remixed with additional vocals. An original song, "You & I", was included in the album.


The Memory of Ragnarok OST was first released in 2005, but was only distributed in the Philippines by Level Up! in 2007. According to Level Up!, it only narrowly managed to reserve the last remaining copies available from the game's Korean developer, GRAVITY. Only 400 copies were available to be distributed in the country. Unlike in the United States where it was sold for US$20, and in Japan for US$35, the album was sold at a much lower cost in the Philippines.[1]

The album retailed for ₱850.00 and contained a code for a unique premium headgear for Ragnarok Online called "Note Headphones [1]". It was first sold in the regional tournaments of the Ragnarok Philippine Championship 2007.[2]


  1. The Memory of Ragnarok OST. February 21, 2007 at 4:16 PM. Carlo Ople. Waukster. Retrieved on 2023-09-19.
  2. Ragnarok OST subsite. Circa 2007. Ragnarok Online Philippines website author. Ragnarok Online Philippines website. Retrieved on 2023-09-19.

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