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The Memory of Ragnarok OST

Written by: Carlo Ople
Publication: Waukster
Date published: February 21, 2007 at 4:16 PM

[Picture: 2 CDs of The Memory of Ragnarok.]

Diwa and Daren, good friends of mine, messaged me the other day about a promotion currently running in iRO. They're selling the modified soundtrack called "The memory of RAGNAROK". The BGMs from Prontera, Payon, and other maps, were upgraded into a complete song with Lyrics and better instruments. The CD package also contains a stub that you can use to claim a unique in-game headgear. It's a pretty good deal if you ask me.

Anyway, as soon as I found out I talked via MSN with Zee, who works for the business development department of Gravity. It's a good thing that Diwa and Daren pointed this out to me because Gravity only had less than 500 CDs left in their inventory! After a few rounds of negotiation, I was able to reserve the last remaining CDs that we can sell here in the Philippines! Whew. Talk about a close call. If I didn't contact Zee within the day the 400 CDs would have probably been shipped to Japan or America. Speaking of those countries, in America they're being sold for 20$ while in Japan it's going at 35$. We will definitely sell it at a more affordable price here in the Philippines because of the difference of economies.

The pRO Team will start preparing to launch this and we will try to get them incorporated in the Ragna Rally event. I want to sell the CD packages during our EB parties. The sad thing is that we only have 400 copies so this CD will definitely be a collector's item!

Anyway, if you want more information on how iRO is doing this, just visit their site here.

That's it for now, cheers!

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