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Strife is a free-to-play MOBA developed and published globally by American developer S2 Games. Asiasoft Corporation Co. Ltd. acted as its operations partner in the SEA region, with Level Up! promoting the game in the Philippine market.


In August 2014, Level Up!, which was recently acquired by Asiasoft Corporation, announced that it has partnered with S2 Games to market Strife in the Philippines. S2 Games' Chief Operating Officer, Scott Valencia, visited the Philippines to meet up with local LAN centers and to assess ping rates from the country since every player would be connecting to the same global server.[1]

Strife began its open beta on August 30, 2014 (PHT). S2 Games ran a competition called "The Race to Level 70" where the first player to reach account level 70 would win a prize. A Filipino player won that event.


  1. Level Up! Games partners with S2 Games for MOBA game Strife. August 3, 2014 at 2:42 AM (PHT). Kim Luces, GMA News. GMA News. Retrieved on 2025-03-13.

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