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Shaiya is a free-to-play MMORPG developed by South Korean game developer Sonov Entertainment. A Philippine server was published by Amped from 2011 until 2013. A SEA server was published by PlayPark from 2019 until 2020.


Philippine server, under Amped

Shaiya was Amped's fourth MMORPG, after Tantra, Cronous, and N-Age Online. It was published in 2011 and ended its service in 2013 when Amped and ABS-CBN Multimedia ceased their operations.

SEA server, under PlayPark

PlayPark published a SEA server from 2019 until 2020. Its closed beta test ran from August 8 until 12, 2019.[1]

The SEA server was shut down on November 20, 2020.[2]


  1. SHAIYA Now Available!. August 8, 2019. PlayPark team. PlayPark news. Retrieved on 2023-12-02.
  2. PlayPark Shaiya Facebook page post dated October 21, 2020. October 21, 2020 at 10:51 PM (UTC+8). PlayPark Shaiya team. PlayPark Shaiya Facebook page. Retrieved on 2023-12-02.

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