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PlayPark Shaiya Facebook page post dated October 21, 2020

Written by: PlayPark Shaiya team
Publication: PlayPark Shaiya Facebook page
Date published: October 21, 2020 at 10:51 PM (UTC+8)

Children of Etain,
Thank you for being a part of the Shaiya adventure. Our journey has come to end and we'll treasure our time together.
PlayPark Shaiya opened its door in August 2019 to thousands of fans who showed much support which bolstered the Shaiya team to work extra hard to provide a great game experience to the community.
However, with the decline in the content update to keep the game interesting, keeping the user experience satisfying became a struggle. This is the main reason that we can no longer sustain publishing Shaiya and will close its doors on November 20, 2020.
Below are the schedule and details of this matter:
[Service Conclusion Details]
Closing of Top-up and Cash Point Conversion: October 23, 2020
Top-up will be blocked after 10:00 (GMT+8) maintenance. Please refrain from reloading after the maintenance.
Convert remaining PlayPark Wallet into Cash Points after the maintenance will no longer be possible.
Game access and purchasing in-game items with your remaining cash points are still possible after top-up is closed.
Game Server Shut down: November 20, 2020, 11:59 PM (GMT+8) Friday
Access to the game is no longer possible
The client Download page will be closed
We greatly appreciate your love and unending support towards PlayPark Shaiya. We wish you well in your gaming journey, and we hope to see you in our other games!
May our paths cross on your next adventure.
- Shaiya Management Team

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