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Rok On! Music Inspired by Ragnarok Online

Rok On! Music Inspired by Ragnarok Online is a 2005 collaborative Filipino music album based on the South Korean MMORPG Ragnarok Online. The album comprises various songs performed by various Filipino music artists, and was published by Viva Records and Ragnarok Online's Philippine publisher Level Up! in 2005. It originally retailed for ₱199.[1]


The album is a compilation of six songs from various Filipino music artists. The album package also contained an installer for the Philippine server of Ragnarok Online, which includes the then-latest major content update "Amatsu and Kunlun: A Tale of Two Cities".[2] The song "Pag-ibig Ko Sa 'Yo" by Moonstar 88 is the theme song for the Amatsu and Kunlun update.

A launch party for the album was held at the Blue Onion in Eastwood Citywalk, Libis, Quezon City on April 12, 2005.[1]

Tracks from the album were made freely available to listen to in the Level Up! Music channel. They were also featured in the MTV Massive show.

Track list



  1. LU Launches Rok On Album. April 22, 2005. GM Tristan III (original). Tapatalk - pRO Chaos Guild. Retrieved on 2023-03-09.
  2. Rock on for Ragnarok. May 20, 2005. Baby A. Gil. "Sounds Familiar" column. Retrieved on 2023-03-09.

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