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MTV Massive

MTV Massive was a 2005 Filipino video game television program co-produced by Level Up! Inc. and MTV Philippines that showcased various live service games published under Level Up!. The show was hosted by then-MTV VJs Marc Abaya and Mariel Rodriguez.

The show is no longer in production.


MTV Massive consists of 19 episodes. Its pilot episode was aired on August 15, 2005, and the show was aired every Monday at 8PM, Wednesday at 11AM. and Saturday at 10:30PM on MTV Philippines UHF Channel 41 and Channel 22 on Sky and Home Cable.

Its last episode was aired on November 28, 2005.


Segments and hosts of the show, as advertised in MTV Massive's website.

  • Alter Ego - Interview of well-known players
  • IRL - Feature on guilds and cosplayers
  • Sound track - Feature on game-related music, including those in the album Rok On!
  • In the News - Fictional news based on online games with in-game footage
  • Peer2Peer - Group session of players talking about their online games
  • Massive Trivia - Trivia on skills and NPCs of games
  • Offline - Cosplayed in-game characters in real-life scenarios
  • Hotspot - Feature on several in-game maps and places of MMORPGs
  • R U Game - Tips and tricks segment
  • Videos - Game-related videos
  • Misadventures of a Noob

MTV Massive VJs

  • Mariel Rodriguez
  • Marc Abaya
  • Claire Olivar
  • Don Puno
  • Maike Evers


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