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Ragnarok World Championship 2011

The Ragnarok World Championship 2011, or simply RWC 2011, was an international tournament for the MMORPG Ragnarok Online that was held on October 15, 2011, at the AX Hall in Gwangjang-dong, Seoul, Korea. Members of Team Philippines were unable to obtain South Korean visas, although Filipino substitutes were allowed to compete.

It is the sixth Ragnarok World Championship event in the series. It was preceded by RWC 2010 and was followed by RWC 2012.

Team Philippines

Team Philippines, sponsored by the Filipino smartphone brand MyPhone, was supposed to be represented by members of the guild Naked Nanaman?, the champion of the Ragnarok World Championship 2011 Philippine Finals. The team was comprised of Bernabe Orbeso, Marion Louise Carlos, Ron Aldwin Silvestre, Cris Elmar Barroquiña, Von Ryan Castillo, Lorenzo Canlas, and Mark Edizon Clemente.[1]

Due to five of the seven members being unable to obtain South Korean visas, Team Philippines was forced to concede. The RWC 2011 tournament committee allowed Level Up! to field a team of substitutes in Korea in the spirit of sportsmanship and camaraderie.[2] The remaining two members of the guild did not wish to participate in the substitution.[3]


  • Philippines
  • United States
  • South Korea
  • Japan
  • Thailand
  • Indonesia
  • Brazil
  • China
  • France (Combined EU)
  • Taiwan-Hong Kong
  • Singapore-Malaysia


  • Champion: Thailand
  • 1st Runner-up: Brazil
  • 2nd Runner-up: South Korea

Note: This is the first time in RWC history that a non-Asian team has reached the top 3.


  1. TEAM my|phone PHILIPPINES HEADING TO KOREA FOR RWC 2011. October 6, 2011. Level Up! Ragnarok team. Philippine Ragnarok Online website. Retrieved on 2024-10-02.
  2. Official Statement Re The Status Of The Philippine Team In Rwc 2011. October 15, 2011. Level Up! Ragnarok team. Philippine Ragnarok Online website. Retrieved on 2024-10-02.
  3. Team Philippines Bows Out At RWC 2011. Thailand is Champion Again.. October 18, 2011. GM Tristan (Mon Macutay). GM Tristan Online. Retrieved on 2024-10-02.

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