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Ragnarok World Championship 2007 Philippine Finals

The Ragnarok World Championship (RWC) 2007 Philippine Finals was a nationwide, online-only tournament for the MMORPG Ragnarok Online. It was held to determine the country's representative for the then-upcoming Ragnarok World Championship 2007. It was organized by the game's publisher Level Up!, and the finals were held on June 23 and 24, 2007.

The tournament is different from the Ragnarok Philippine Championship 2007, which was held on a later date on the same year.


The RWC 2007 Philippine Finals was an "emergency" tournament that was held due to the revival of the Ragnarok World Championship series by the game's South Korean developer, GRAVITY. RWC 2007 was scheduled to occur on July 21 and 22, 2007 in Seoul, South Korea.

The tournament followed the Ragnarok Philippine Championship system to select the finalists.

Final eight

For the RPC 2005 vs. 2006 slot, RPC 2005 champion Hatred lost to RPC 2006 champion Armed n' Loaded.


  • Champion: Armada
  • Runner-up: Sustainer of the Realms

Armada represented Team Philippines on the Ragnarok World Championship 2007 event. The guild also automatically qualified as a top eight finalist for the Ragnarok Philippine Championship 2007.

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