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Political Animals

Political Animals is a casual, turn-based, satirical political strategy game developed by Philippine game developer Squeaky Wheel Studio and published by UK-based Positech Games for the PC platform. It was released on November 1, 2016.

The game is set in a world of anthropomorphic animals during a democratic election period. The player takes the role of a candidate who must make crucial campaign decisions to boost his popularity and win the election.


The game was originally entitled "Party Animals", but was later renamed to Political Animals after its publisher, Positech Games, expressed concerns for the game's visibility. The game was in development as early as March 2014. It took roughly 1 part-time year and 1 full-time year to develop and use the Unity game engine.

The game was showcased in Japan at the Tokyo Game Show in September 2016. It was released on November 1, 2016, to coincide with the 58th U.S. elections which was held seven days later.


Common Sense Media's Best EdTech of 2017

The non-profit organization Common Sense Media, which is based in San Francisco, California, listed the game as one of the EdTech (Education Technology) applications of 2017. The list shows the organization's top picks for "tools that get students to develop a true love of writing, engage in authentic scientific practices, collaborate across the globe, and make incredibly artistic and technical creations".[1]



  1. Best EdTech of 2017. 2017. Common Sense Education. Common Sense Education website. Retrieved on 2023-07-13.

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