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Best EdTech of 2017

Written by: Common Sense Education
Publication: Common Sense Education website
Date published: 2017

The editorial staff at Common Sense Education evaluated and rated approximately 180 tools for learning potential in 2017, and all we can say is that it was a great year for edtech. Some years it's hard to select the most engaging and supportive tools for students, teachers, and schools. But as we looked back at a year that was divisive in so many ways, we had no trouble narrowing down our top picks to the 25 best apps, games, and websites.

What you'll find on this list are tools that get students to develop a true love of writing, engage in authentic scientific practices, collaborate across the globe, and make incredibly artistic and technical creations; you'll even find a couple of tools just for the teacher. As you look down the list and notice how many five-star tools we rated this year, you'll begin to see how thoughtful design that empowers students and uplifts teachers really makes a win-win for all.

Interested in seeing our past winners? Check out the archive of our favorites from 2013-2016.


Social Studies


Political Animals

Charming political campaign sim mixes data analysis and civics

Bottom Line: It's a highly entertaining and surprisingly deep way to help students see the strategy -- as well as ethical choices -- involved in elections.

Grades: 8–12
Price: Paid

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