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NIKKE Maid Café

The NIKKE Maid Café is a 2023 themed collaboration café event in the Philippines between Goddess of Victory: Nikke and Wiltlover Café. It was held on May 20 and 21 (Saturday and Sunday), 2023 at the Wiltlover Café branch in Ayala Malls Circuit, Makati, Metro Manila. The event was a half-anniversary celebration of the game's release in the Philippines. It was held simultaneously with the nearby FanFes Circuit 2023, in which Nikke Philippines also participated.

The event was organized by EXOSIA Project, Level Infinite, and Wiltlover Cafe Makati.[1] It was succeeded by the Nikke Maid Café 2 in 2024.

Ticket price

₱200 per person for a 1-hour session with a consumable drink, cosplayer meet & greet, freebies, and a chance to win official Nikke merchandise.



  1. NIKKE celebrates Half-Anniversary with Maid Cafe in Makati!. May 30, 2023 at 5:56 PM (PHT). XC Enriquez. Esports by Retrieved on 2024-05-13.

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